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Learn more about the loan programs we specialize in…


Don’t let all of the options confuse you. After you apply, we will analyze your specific situation and explain the loan types that fit you best…

  • FHA

    • FHA Loans are some of the most popular loans available today because they are the most forgiving when it comes to credit, allowing scores down to about 580. The minimum down payment for FHA is 3.5% ($100,000 home = $3,500 down payment). There is a common misconception that FHA loans are only for first time home buyers. Actually, you can do an FHA loan whether it is your first or 20th time buying a home. Don’t worry, if that sounds like we are speaking German, we will walk you through it!

  • USDA

    • USDA Loans allow $0 Down! That’s right, you can move into a home for $0 out of pocket! So what’s the catch? The catch is that you must find a home in a USDA eligible area and you cannot be over USDA’s household income limit. Minimum credit score is typically 620. So how do you find out more? Apply now or give us a call and we can walk you through it!

  • VA

    • If you have served in the armed forces and/or have VA benefits, then a VA loan is an absolute no-brainer for you. $0 down and no monthly mortgage insurance. AND the VA allows credit scores down to about 580. You served for us, now let us serve for you! Apply now or give us a call with any questions.

  • Conventional

    • Down payments as low as 3%. Conventional loans are typically best for people with credit scores above 700 and/or with a bit more money to put down. Whether you are buying a home as a primary residence, second home or investment property, we can help you!